Monday, 20 May 2013

The Hole In The Wall

I am reading an article entitled "Yair, Listen Up!" (Hamodia, 9/5/'13).  I glean that Menachem Gesheid (self-confessed charedi journalist in Israel) was invited to a dinner at the President's Residence, attended by President Obama, that he found it too difficult to comply with the required dress code (to wear a tie) because of a flippant "WHAT DOES A GERRER CHASID UNDERSTAND ABOUT TIES?" (my caps); that he didn't even have one in his pocket just in case the rules should turn out to apply equally to him as to everyone else; and that in the end he had to be bailed out by the President of the State of Israel who donated one of his own ties to him, for the dinner and for all eternity.

What is so difficult about a tie that a Gerrer chosid cannot comprehend? 

More to the point, who does this would-be 'chochom' think he is kidding?  Was it against his principles to show respect both for his own government on the international scene and for President Obama that he had the gall to show up inappropriately dressed (even though he had been told in advance what to wear)?

And to laugh it off afterwards as being the oversight of a charedi yid who doesn't know his tie from his tefillin, as though the general public will see this as funny rather than pathetic, this is just too much for the likes of Mrs. Blogs.  Because in the very same edition of Hamodia we were entertained by a Ruth Lichtenstein (do I know her?) with her "Open Letter to Neshot Hakotel" (p.B50) (not sure I would call this any kind of a letter but it got the pain off her chest I hope), clearly upset by the cheek of the Women of the Wall who, every Rosh Chodesh, conform to their values rather than to hers, at "the ultimate symbol of unity" (the kosel).  Unlike the President though, who imposed his dress code on everybody he invited to his own Residence, the Women of the Wall do not impose their style of dress on all women who come to the kosel. 

Nevertheless I think Mr. Gesheid should speak out loud and clear for the rights of people everywhere to dress in a way they feel at peace with themselves, be they charedim or Reform Jews or followers of the Rabbeinu Tam.  He should raise the flag "Let us be true to ourselves as Gerrer Chasidim, American Women or whatever we identify with". 

Let us all disrespect one another's values and all be equally patronising and arrogant about it, and may moshiach come speedily in our days.


  1. Medakdek Im-hatzaddikim21 May 2013 at 02:55

    Isn't the feminine plural of "iysha" an irregular NASHIM (not NASHOT)? And isn't "Women of..." a construct, so that it should be Nshei Hakotel and not Neshot Hakotel? Sorry for being pedantic but what does a yekka know about slovenly grammar?

    1. Not being a yekka (sic) - yes, we wear avneitim - could you please help me with (1) my wives - nashai or ne'shotai? (2) a difficulty I've had since I was unfortunate to need to be mazkir ne'shamot. Is the correct terminology for "souls of..."nishmay or nishmosay? (As in 'Nishmay-hem' or 'Nishmosay-hem') (3) why you make a noh/nakh differentiation between Nshei and Neshot? & (4) as the singular feminine is rarely found written in full (aleph yud shin hay), why did you see fit to include it in your transliteration?

    2. PS. Also, I've heard and seen, zechuso yogein, zechusa togein and zechusom yogein. Is zechus m or f?

  2. Mrs.Blogs why are you so determined to criticise charedim all the time? Your poor husband must get such a tough time in shul. Never an aliyah or a shliach tzibbur. Think of your family a bit more! And don't let your neighbours, chasidim, heimishe yidden etc get to you so much. We'll all feel a lot better, including you.

    1. Is this your idea of a joke?? If so its excellent. Instead of the people who give offence modifying their conduct, those who get offended should modify their feelings!

      And then Rabbi Blogs will be called up, the kids will find their zivugim and all will be well. How could I have been so thoughtless to my own family? Who needs a mother who stands up for her principles when there are kids to marry off?! Its a good job you've shut me up while the kids are still young. Now what shall I blog about?

  3. Rabbeinu Tommy26 May 2013 at 13:32

    May I suggest that we don't allow grammar rules to inhibit our freedom of expression on this blog. Rectitude of any description has no place when our host's blood pressure is so often at bursting point. [Has Ms. Blogs had a chance to study the Readers Forum in hamodia (b'ha'aloschoh) yet?]

  4. Rabbeinu Tommy -

    I believe I have located the piece you are referring to. It was signed by someone who, for obvious reasons, didn't want to be identified. What exactly do you find noteworthy about this, this, er - this person's - statement of the er,er,um, er the, the subjective facts? It all seemed perfectly straightforward to put into print in a democracy didn't it?
