After all the frantic blogging of recent days (and nights), the situation has changed quite dramatically. For some, the RCH matter has been refreshed; others have been seriously challenged by the Channel 4 programme about charedim not reporting child abuse to the authorities. But prior to all this blogging people were looking towards purim and pesach. So the said activity really has caused a major shift in communal thinking.
But it is not major enough. Apart from anything else, it is backwards-looking. We are just blogging back round the same old stories again.
Looking ahead, however, fills me with gloom and despair because I get the vibe that nothing (beyond our thinking) is ever going to change. It won't change because the will is just not there.
For all the ranting against rabbonim - and some of the ranting has been sorely lacking in basic derech eretz - at the end of the day no-one wants to alter the status quo. We are happy to criticise to the hilt, to denigrate, to scorn and to chastise our leaders, but they must remain as our leaders. (Although why they would want to stay in their posts is beyond me). When it comes to religious matters, they show us the way.
Without them, how would we know when to call a doctor on shabbos? How would we know how to kosher the plumbing for pesach, or when there is a heter to speak loshon horra? We wouldn't know when to stop having children or which schools to send our kinderlech to, or who to marry. Nor would we know how to prepare fruit and veg for our (large) households for a quick and healthy mid-week meal minus invisable creepy-crawlies. (Surely if Hashem didn't want us to eat them, He would have given us bionic eyes? Surely blood spots in eggs could have been dealth with less wastefully by making the shells transparant? Surely it is a sin to waste??)
And if we have a way of life that leads to all sorts of unhealthy feelings in our developing youth, still we don't question. Kids just sometimes go off the derech: we don't push them off it.
So whilst it is okay to speak with the utmost lack of respect about these rabbis of ours, the important thing is that they remain our leaders and show us how to live ehrlicheh lives and be good yidden.
Someone actually commented on a recent post here that it was important "not to throw out the baby with the bath water". Sometimes we just need to throw out the bath water; and if we cannot do that for fear of throwing out the baby then basically we are just sitting in the same water forever. If everyone is happy with that, fine. This is the defining trait of charedi yiddishkeit, sadly.
In my opinion Change through blogging can only happen if we drop our anonymity
ReplyDeletewho knows perhaps your Rov is actually a blogger!
The upshot of my lecture last night was that I have been confined by my husband to the kitchen (where he thinks there isn't a computer) and told that if I want our kids to ever get married, I must stop annoying the rabbonim and just be a good wife.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that exciting?
SH Lost Hope here again
ReplyDeleteI am disappointed to hear that your freedom of expression has been curtailed. How on earth are you to effect change in our society if you yourself are trapped in a domestic situation?
Actually I don't get his problem this is an anonymous blog you don't even have an email address
Please don't let the thought police get the better of you.
The action is hotting up on Tickles blog if you havent already noticed.
ReplyDeleteWhen this thing runs its course I suspect some far reaching changes will inevitably occur. The Halperns are coming accross as a veritable evil empire, and those clergy that have sided with them and attempted to pervert the course of justice will be damned. We may still live to see the downfall of this evil but there again maybe not? head in the sand mentality usually prevails....... sigh
Mr Tickle is terrified of mentioning the name Freshwater. Notice how that name ALWAYS gets edited out.
ReplyDeleteYou talk a lot about change. Why dont you spell out exactly what kind of change you want. The 'clergy' as you call them, are almost all the SH rabbonim, and wont be damned whatever the outcome, if there ever is one. If you believe they are looking for 'tsedek', for what is right, you are sorely mistaken. The reason why people speak with the 'utmost' lack of respect, is simply that they are not worthy of respect as my previous posts have shown. Maybe we get the rabbonim we deserve, and it is our fault, who knows. show us how to live ehrlicheh lives and be good yidden. Are you joking. Do they turn up to daven on time, do they learn when no one is watching, in what way do they show us. What are their children doing, living off benefits.
ReplyDeleteYou must be on a different planet, or at a different age, not today
Mr Tickle has very large connections with the property business its not in his interests to lose clients
I am new here. Am I right that Joe Blogs is a married woman who is going off the derech, and that SH Lost Hope is her husband's worst friend? Also, is Drai Kop for or against CH? Explain your answer. And finally, why doesn't Tickle like my name?
ReplyDeleteFreshwater just because you have millions doesnt make you intelligent.
ReplyDeleteI suggest you ask Tickle the question he has an email address and he does answer I correspond with him myself
As for Ms Joe Bloggs she is capable of answering for herself.
I havent got the faintest idea who she is so sorry by definition her husband is equally unknown to me.
as for Drai Kop, well the name says it all!
Rebitzen I really chuckled at your question on Tickle
ReplyDeletecan I suggest next time take your husband along to prevent any further abuse.... hahaha
Can somebody please point me to the American 'FM' blogspot? Obliged
ReplyDeleteDear Freshwater, you seem to have got the wrong end of the stick on several matters. But you are still very welcome on this building site, and we hope to read great things from you in due course. PS If you are a man, you too are my husband's worst friend.
ReplyDeleteTickle won't post any comments that mention Freshwater, I've tried many times. Clearly he's been warned.
ReplyDeleteBut he insists that he does not censor. yet I and so many others know that he does.
DeleteWell it shows what fools comment on Tickle, thinking your question was serious. No wonder you never asked it here where you have a 'higher' class of poster.
ReplyDeleteSince you have not answered my previous question of what change you would like, it appears that the lady doesnt even know what she really wants. Sounds familiar.
I happen to know RCH and his brother MH even better. I havent given an opinion on RCH not knowing the true facts. But I have given one on Rabbi Cohn whom I have also met, and that is, that he has been sitting with him on the GG kedassia BD all these years knowing all the facts about him. If I would consider them true I wouldnt even sit in shul with him never mind on a BD. So far with all Rabbi Cohn's many handwritten letters, he hasnt explained this point. This of course also applied to the SH dayanim who want RCH out.
I couldn't believe it when I saw the reactions to the comment. There are people there with serious lack of brains.
DeleteBy the way, I know for a fact that there are a good number people on there who use multiple aliases.
I would strongly guess that some of them argue with their own personas.
I call into question many of the so called in the know comments.
Note to blog author. Sorry for hijacking, but thanks for your hospitality!!
Ok let's get this straight: It is fine for the rabbi of NHAY to have a different take on whether to report abuse to the police to Dayan Padwa, because NHAY is no longer part of the Union or bound by its policies. My female brain therefore tells me that if all shuls pull out of the Union, none of them will be bound by Union positions on a whole host of vaguely halachic things. Change could then, in theory, happen. All sorts of currently disallowed practices might suddenly become permissable eg the eiruv in GG; women attending funerals (like they do with the US); making pesach might not require knocking the house down and boiling it for 24hours; charedi life itself might turn out to be largely an idealistic fiction of rabbinic thinking that most orthodox yidden find over-repressive (or am I just speaking for myself?)
ReplyDelete"Yes darling - I'm in the kitchen..."
Dont be silly. People mustn't be allowed to think for themselves.
DeleteHmmm Mr Drai-Kop.... Well, when I asked Rabbi Cohn that question some weeks back, he told me that he had no idea of any of these accusations going on! I believe that Rabbi Cohn is completely honest, a person of rare integrity. There are 2 letters on the NHAYS notice board by Rabbi Cohn, if that is the 'many handwritten letters' mentioned...
ReplyDeleteI might add: Not everybody knows everything!... A whole number of the Rabbonim in the original meetings had absolutely no idea of such accusations about CH until they walked into the meetings. They have stated such. That is certainly the case for Dayan Abraham and Rabbi Shmahl and others...
Thank you Mr Emmes seeker.
ReplyDeleteI think that Rabbi Cohn should put that into print or into handwriting, But that certainly does not explain the SH dayanim who claimed to have known about it for years. Its the first time I have heard that R Shmahl has given an opinion. This really has backfired on the SH dayanim. They claim to know everything. No not everything in the gemoro and shulchan aruch. They never bother opening that. But all the loshon horas. That is more important to them. They cant have a simple baal habos knowing more loshon hora than them. They have admitted and even 'swanked' that they have known for years. Something such low class rabbis (in their eyes) like Rabbi Cohn didnt. Well they still sat with him all these years on the SH BD and Asifah. This external BD should be inquiring into that as well and into D Frand who also knew, and remove all of them from their positions not just RCH,
Women do attend stone settings even the most chasidish. l am not sure why funerals are different. No one knocks the house down or even bothers kashering the bricks, wherever do you get these ideas from. If thats all the change you want plus the eiruv I am sure you can be easily accommodated. Of course Tickle censors my posts never see the light of day although they are similar to what I write on here.
ReplyDeleteSo the high and mighty LBD dayanim wrote their GD without asking legal advice. So now they have to conform with the kedassia external BD. The stupidity of dayanim has already ceased to amaze me. Just because they once opened a gemoro fifty odd years ago and never understood it, this already gives them secular legal knowledge as well. Now in their old age they are learning fast. They thought they were dealing with one of their own, not realising that RCH has all the legal muscle he needs behind him. If this BD will exonerate which is more than likely, they can expect full legal proceedings against them. RCH will now know all the evidence which they have been forced to hand over, and as we know, no lady will be prepared to go to court to present it. The shoe seems to have changed foot.