Sunday, 10 February 2013

Lore and Order

I showed my husband the pic on the front of yesterday's Times, sadly of a lady who had taken her life.  My hubby said, "shame - she was a good-looking lady and I for one find her so attractive that I am going to cut that picture out and use it as a bookmark in my gemora so that it is always there for me to look at".
    None of which surprised me.
    I showed my brother another picture, this one of Angela Merkal shaking hands with David Cameron.  Ranted brother: "But she might have her period!"  Followed by, "oh, she's not a bas yisroel so that doesn't matter.  Anyway, she's past her prime and does nothing for me so the PM can have her".
    This came as no surprise either.
     We are probably all agreed that when a man sees a picture of a woman, in any circumstances, he can only think in terms of sexual attractiveness.  The female counterpart to himself doesn't exist.  Show him a pic of a male inventor and he says "looks like an intelligent fellow".  Show him a pic of a female brain surgeon and he says "she looks good with that lipstick". 
    Ergo, the jewish press and pictures of women go together like milk and meat. 
    And men just accept this rather pathetic opinion of themselves!!
    As for the pics in the jewish papers that I promised to scour this week for a replacement pin-up for yours truly, I have decided that if the Told Av trims his eyebrows a bit, he could be worth looking at.  Ladies, please!  Restrain yourselves!  Did any of you read the dvar torah by R. XXX???   Nice-looking, isn't he.  What was his point - oh, yes, that women are posul le'eidus.  Ha! Ha!


  1. With 50% of the population being female, any female allies (or even enemies!) seem ominously quiet. Is it just that I have been stating something so obvious it doesn't warrant further comment? Or has some rov issued a cherem against me? Or, have I opened a can of worms that can only end with pictures of women appearing in the papers, chas vesholom?

  2. I agree with you and I'm not even female!. Have you noticed how it is always the men that expect the women to change seats on buses and planes, never the men. I'd much rather sit next to a woman any day, most of the men have terrible BO - have they never heard of deodorant!

  3. Drai-kop
    So RCH has found the right person to give us mussar. A divorced shiksa because of her adultery, married for thirty years to the nephew of the previous Chief Rabbi.
    She is the one 'complaining' about anonymous bloggers who slander others. Well she has impeccable yichus having being married to the CR's nephew even though she is a shiksa. For RCH to sink so low and not to accept eidus from a Jewish woman but be judged by a shiksa
    is evidence enough to remove him from office.

  4. As Virgin media say on their ads and PR Material "Keep UP". In case you don't know - and apologies if I am rehashing old stories - RCH has obtained a court order compelling Google to identify Mr Tickle and presumably contributors to his blog that RCH claims are or have made defamatory statements. The Judge grating the application was Dame Justice Gloster - SHOCK HORROR - A woman!!!!!!!. The blogger who posted at 12:32 (not UK time, probably west coast time) finds this appalling, in keeping with the mysoginistic atttitudes of the Chareidi community. To make things worse this woman is not Jewish, - hence the use of the disgraceful word "shiksa" - although she once was married to a Jewish man, but she left him for an older man. The post refers to the cuckolded husband as the nephew of "the previous" Chief Rabbi, which is wrong. The husband was the nephew of Sir Israel Brodie, who preceded Lord Jakobovitz zt''l

    1. Thanks for the peirush. Yes I see the irony of a female judge making an order when one doesn't permit women giving evidence! Obviously Jewish women have some kind of defect that makes them posul le'eidus (etc), which defect doesn't affect other women.
      Also, Jewish men only see their women-folk in terms of sexual acquisitions, not as human beings per se. This is in keeping with all the repressive cultures of the East. But our women seem quite happy to be bought, with expensive clothes and jewellery, and all kinds of material luxuries in lieu of real respect and fulfillment. So being regarded as just sex objects is about right. What else are they? Do they seem unhappy to you?

    2. Actually it is worse than that. They are not much more than baby making machines. Nowadays it seems that the young women are brain washed into thinking that what they really want is husbands "in learning" - note, that is not "learning". They go out to work come home and do the house work have the kids etc etc while hubby does .... And people wonder why the divorce rate is increasing. After a few years the women realize they have got a lousy deal with nothing to look forward too except more hard work. No wonder they all look haggard.

      The chareidi society has created this model which is clearly not self sustaining and guess what, it is the women who will suffer the most and it is not much better for the kids brought up in such an environment.

  5. Mr.Blogs - can I have a word with you in the kitchen. Now please.

  6. Drai-kop
    You all miss my point. This shiksa was divorced by her Jewish husband of thirty years because of her adultery. She goes on to say that she doesnt think that RCH was a ryan.... Instead of commenting about others she should have said she doesnt think he was as bad as herself.
    With regards to the last post, it is really that the seminaries are to blame. My daughters never went there. The story goes that a woman who had been to seminary and followed their teachings and married a 'learner' wanted to send her daughter. They told her you cant afford the fees, only those who married working people can send their daughters here. The seminary is a business like any other, one should be grateful the YHS school in SH is at last combating this.
    Tickle seems to have closed down and not accepting any posts not just mine.
    So are you going to take over, Make sure google doesnt know your IP.

    1. 1. Why did you write "Drai-kop" at the top of your message and - if it was you - the massage timed at 12:32 yesterday. I am not drai kop and as far as I can see he has not posted on this thread - other than perhaps anonymously.
      2. I think you misunderstand how the British legal system works - the Judges are there to give rulings about the cases before them. It would be most improper for them to comment about their personal lives. If you think that she is not fit to be a judge, I think you should take that up with the Lord Chancellor. I wish you the best of luck and please remember, he won't take kindly to Anonymous complaints or the use of the word "shiksa"
      3. I agree with your comments about sems, or more specifically certain sems that "indoctrinate" their pupils. As to YHS, your comments are as unreal as they are funny.
      4. Tickle seems to be going strong - I count seven posts in the last two hours. Long may he continue

    2. Please excuse the Freudian slip - the word "massage" should of course read "message".

      I'll go and stand in the corner for the next 10 minutes

  7. sad state of affairs11 February 2013 at 08:35

    very funny!


    sounds familiar!

  9. I wonder what this priest would say about Mrs Blogs

    Presumably QED would suffice

  10. I am sure Father Corsi says the same sort of things about me as various dayonim say: "She is just a woman who likes provoking men";
    "If Mr. Blogs hits her, its because she asks for it"; "women should be obscene and not heard" and the like.

    This is probably why he is a priest and not an actual father.

    (And what did Italy have to say about him??)

    1. The expression I first heard as a kid was "women should be obscene and not absurd".

      The "asking for it" mentality is what encourages paedophiles, rapists and even kids who get a kick out of scratching a nice car.
