Sunday, 13 January 2013


I'm starting my own blog trying to make some sense out of the Chaim Halpern debacle.  The current facts seem to be as follows:  This world-renowned chassidic rov and religious Judge in the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregatiions appears to have been giving marriage guidance counselling for many years.  At some point in recent years, various complaints were made by some women, to other rabbis, that the counselling they were being given was somewhat inappropriate for a rabbi.  R.Halpern was advised to stop his counselling sessions, and chose not to follow this advice.  He maintained that he was healing these broken women and rebuilding their family life, which of course is highly commendable - if done properly. 
   All of a sudden last autumn, things took a drastic turn and another senior rabbi of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations insisted that R.Halpern "leave town" asap.  What had happened??  No sensible answers have been given, but it appears that as many as 30 or so women complained (suddenly?) that they had been touched and spoken to inappropriately and they were going to the police.  The next thing anybody knew, which transpired several weeks later, was that R.Halpern had been obliged to stand down from all his public duties in the Union, including his position as Principal of the Beth Jacob Senior Girls School, whilst maintaining his innocence.  So the Union were washing their hands of him, if only because they strongly disapproved of his actions; but most likely because they had no choice once the external authorities were being called in!
   However, R.Halpern had a privately-run synagogue located within his own home, and this could not be touched.  So when the other rabbis realised that they could not stop him being the rabbi of his own community, they went further to try and stop his followers attending services there.  They issued a proclamation declaring that R.Halpern was "unfit to serve as a rabbi in any capacity".  Still nothing much happened ! A few people stopped their allegience but the little synagogue (shteible) continues to operate and have support.   R.Halpern continues to give his talks and classes (shiurim) on different aspects of Jewish life, and if it wasn't for the internet one could be forgiven for thinking all was now quiet.  Of course the question remains, if he is innocent why did the rabbis issue such an edict?  The panel of rabbis that investigated the complaints was by no means an amateur kangaroo court.  But we shall return to this question.  We might also like to ask why it wasn't enough for them that he resigned his public offices?  Why did they seek to finish him off completely, and so publically and humiliatingly?  We might return to this matter too !
   Something close to an on-going riot then followed.  Differenct factions went head-to-head with their support for either R.Halpern or as anti-Halpernists.  People stopped buying kosher meat under the supervision of the Union Rabbinate in protest at the Union's failure to oust R.Halpern effectively years earlier.  This economic pressure could not be underestimated and the Union had to take further action:  so it eventually appointed another team of international rabbinic judges to try the case again and urged the public to hold fire until such time as this court issued a ruling.  After that the Union would take swift action (if necessary).  But this posed the problem of what about the rabbinic proclamation that had already been issued???  Didn't that carry any weight?  What respect could the people have for those rabbis and judges if it could be set aside so lightly?  Why did the Union need a second court of judges to hear the evidence?
   More importantly, what penalty could any religious court impose, if no criminal activity had taken place?
Unless the police and criminal justice system could be deployed, the Halpern followers are free to attend the synagogue of their choice however many edicts are issued against the man.  So what stands to be gained by having even 50 different hearings?  Why is there such a drive to get R.Halpern to leave town instead of talk to make him pay compensation to the victims he is supposed to have abused?  The whole emphasis is on saving the community from outside policing, not on any actual victims (if they exist), a strange angle to take in the face of such a crime against the person/s.
   So when I look at this state of affairs, I cannot be certain that any kind of abuse has taken place.  The rabbi might have acted foolishly but this is not a crime.  The police have not impounded R.Halpern or his synagogoue, and he remains free to travel and counsel and live his life without going on the run from the authorities.  The second rabbinic trial is due to take place at some point in the forseeable future, but it will have no power of enforcement or sanction other than to issue another edict and hope that everyone will then abandon R.Halpern and that will be the end of him.  How will that help the victims?
    It will save the community from outside policing.  The victims will have been silenced.  All will be quiet once more.
    Now take a look at the "ifyoutickleus" blog and see how wrong I am !!


  1. Your questions are all valid. Your problem is you dont understand the Jewish community.

  2. Anonymous, Zvi and others:
    Can you please explain why a "sex offender" who was known, within the orthodox rabbinate, to be giving dubious marriage guidance counselling, was allowed to hold all his public positions right up until last autumn? And then suddenly 30 (or so) women came forward (together?) out of the blue, without any kind of prompt, and this esteemed rov is suddenly to be villified and humiliated on his own doorstep, as if none of the other rabbonim involved in this saga have anything to answer for?

    This may be a possible answer which you wont find elsewhere.
    There seems to be a therapist in GG who is out to get him. He is offering a free service taking her clientele away. They charge 50 pounds plus. You must remember If you Tickle is a moderated post and refuses most of mine and most likely many others which are pro RCH. These 30 women may have complained in the past but it fell on deaf ears. No rov will ever hear anything against another one. This therapist seems to be doing the rounds of these 30 women. I dont know her name but there are not that many in Golders Green and not room for all of them.

    1. drai-kop :
      thanks for the info. So the therapist from GG is stoking the flames, whilst at the same time the 30 complainants are all still genuine (up to a point?)and so RCH is not totally honourable even if he is not half as guilty as he is being made out to be?

      Also, please advise regarding your view that I don't understand the Jewish community! What exactly don't I understand???????

    2. All these women were adults. He has not forced any of them. They all went to him willingly time and time again. They were sent by satmar BK and also to his BIL R Wosner. That is why he is defending him. If they bring down RCH he would be next. The Jewish community is supposed to be based on Torah or chassidus. When you dont have either what have you left. All this talk about his greatness in these things is from people who dont understand either.

  3. The latest news on hot of the press is truly mind boggling. The legal person he refers to is Gavriel Schlieder who works for a QC.
    That R Padwa is also under police suspicion is unbelievable. The union is finished.

    1. If it isn't a totally ridiculous question, what is R.Padwa being investigated for? I don't use the same mikvah that some of the others bloggers are using so I'm not quite up to speed !

    2. Hot off the press - Part 3 said...
      4. Over the past several weeks, as it has become evident that REP is the main cause for CH's ability to continue as a rabbi in the community, despite the widely accepted view that he is a disgrace to the rabbinate, REP has become the primary focus for the forthcoming TV documentary about the way the chareidi community deals with abuse. A number of secret recordings have been obtained, and evidence has been gathered from people within UOHC who are happy to see him vilified but who are reluctant to openly cooperate with the authorities. Two more things about this. Firstly, a police file has also been opened on REP, and the police are actively collating information and evidence that can be used against REP if (when?) he is arrested. Secondly, a public relations firm has been instructed by the UOHC to prepare a response to the torrent of allegations against REP and the UOHC that they now realise will form a significant part of the documentary. I leave it to the distinguished team of commenters on this blog to respond fulsomely to this particular piece of information, but suffice to say I fear that the PR firm have been given an impossible task.

      More to follow . . . . . . . .

      14 January 2013 20:25

    3. I have known three generations of the Padwa dynasty and you cannot fault them. The previous Av Beth Din of the Union was the one person who fought against the child abuse going on for so long in YHBS. Headmaster Dr Garner himself told me that Rav Chanoch Padwa had 'interfered in school management' by ordering that Garner stop pulling down boys' trousers and pants and limiting caning to the palm of the hand. Garner should have been summarily dismissed but for technical reasons the school feared the damage he could do. The real problem with the Union is that the Union used to have two top figures, Rav Joseph Dunner and Av Beth Din Rav Padwa, both of whom are no longer with us. Rav Padwa's son took over as Av Beth Din, but Rav Dunner's role was scrapped in spite of his son being very suitable to take over. Now Rav Padwa fulfills both roles, two full time jobs. Not making REP's job any easier is President of the Union REH who announced that anyone who criticises RCH will receive the wrath of all his holy ancestors, while those who support RCH will be blessed. This sounds a bit like witness intimidation and/or perverting the course of justice.
