Monday, 21 January 2013

L'Chaim !

     It was suggested to me that I allow shame-less (ie anonymous) comments on the blog so that no-one need be afraid of expressing his/her views (although HAshem knows who you are!) - and I have decided to give this a go for a LIMITED PERIOD ONLY!!!!!  So if you have anything to say, feel free to say it now!  I am drinking a l'chaim to this experiment and I hope you will comment "ad b'li die" (on ANY of my posts), and may we all merit to laugh together in the rebuilt city of Sholom speedily in our days, omain.

    Now can someone kindly put me in the picture as to what a certain chap whose name rhymes with "brand" has done wrong and explain why "he has to go".  Keep it simple because I am a woman.  The subject has come up for discussion down at the Slap & Tickle brewery but I don't drink there unless I can keep up.  Thanks in advance for the facts (the what???) 


  1. The Dovid Frand policy of the union is to accept any shul. The only shul so far he finds unacceptable are the lubavich meshichistim. He calls this 'sholom'. No where in the world is there anything like this. At the moment both Belz and Satmar 26 are doing their best to break the union. They are the two biggest constituents of it. The difference between them is that satmar 26 want to be the boss of the town and lord it over everyone. Belz are not happy that their rov is not one of the dayanim, and want to go their own way, but headquarters in Israel wont allow them.
    Their main problem has always been that they cant compete with the kedassia kashrus. Wosner from Satmar 26 is using his mechutan RCH to ruin the union and succeeding more than his wildest dreams. He Wosner being the head of the Satmar Bikkur Cholim got the 'cream' of the women. They hate the union/kedassia more than the GG lot. Basically all they would be able to come up with is something similar to their american kashrus, but the kedassia is far superior.
    DF being naive doesnt realise all this. He panders to all.
    One needs a new president who will take charge and bring all shuls to heel.

  2. Reply to anonymous on previous post
    Tickle does not accept my comments like he doesnt accept many others who are pro kedassia. He is trying to ruin kedassia like everyone else I mentioned. He is only interested in the dead and Pinter. It seems they refused his daughter in their school. No surprise there. His cousin was head girl and look what a chillul hashem she turned out. That was Mrs Pinter's mistake. Making a girl with a satmar mother from the gutter head girl. It takes years and generations to become civilised.
    There is nothing wrong with asking it on this blog.
    I imagine that DF himself decides how the union money is spent. He is a big talmid chochom and does learn a lot, but he is arrogant and treats everyone else like a fool. His email proves that.
    Three young rabbonim dying (not dieing) in the mikva and no one yet has made the simple connection. Golders Green is a rich kehilla, giving most likely million of pounds in zedokoh. How do you explain that they dont have a decent mikva. If it is such public knowledge how is it the rabbonim do nothing about it. Isnt it more important than getting rid of RCH.

  3. I must add, looking again at the tickle blog. How is it only two comments about the state of the mikva in GG. Especially as 'mikva madness' writes that some women have to come the next day. It is 'shovavim' now, and now is the time to do something about it. About RCH there were hundreds and maybe thousands of comments. Is the mikva really not important to GG like their meat kashrus. One wonders what they do instead. Or is it tickle thinking the dead are more important and blocking mikva comments.
    I once heard a rov telling us that he was a guest speaker on RH in a united shul. He started speaking about mikva on RH. The united shul president went up to him and said he had never heard a rabbi speak such rubbish on rosh hashono. Tickle most likely would have belonged to such a shul.

    1. Anyone who is (and was) concerned about taharas hamishpocho went to Kingsbury US mikveh. The one in Hendon was so full of holes (halachic and literal) and the new community mikvah is communal in name alone.

    Son of R'ZF (69) Arrested !!
    The son R'ZF (69) one of the members of the esteemed Rabbinate and one of the signatories of the Kol Kore was arrested last week for allegedly making threatening and abusive phone calls to R' G' Hager in NW London !!
    Posted by Chaim Halpern at 7:23 pm

    69-99 said...
    Why have you not reported that a son of one of the members of the esteemed Rabbinate and one of the signatories of the kol kore was arrested for allegedly making threatening and abusive phonecalls to Rabbis in NW London, last week?
    It is public knowledge here in SH.
    Me thinks, you are covering things up now.
    If this is not newsworthy, what is?

    21 January 2013 15:51

    So Tickle has been paid off not to report it.

    So we have now two SH kedassia dayanim breeding hooligans what does that tell us?

    1. He was allegedly also calling the wives of rabbis.


  5. Meanwhile I am none the wiser about the offending email from Dovid Frand....
    As for the mikvah problem, those in GG might care to pop down to the Well&Good Arms(down the alleyway at the back of 71)after dark and perform their nocturnal ablusions underground, next to the Northern Line (Edgware branch), until funds for a new mikvah can be obtained from Camelot. (Only joking). We could start a collection? (Dare I say, a sex appeal !)

    1. Dear Mrs Blogs
      I miss your sharp wit and humour. Are you thinking of starting to blog again soon?

      As to your comment and the Well&Good Arms, I understand that towels are no longer provided!

  6. We have been using the US Mikvas, which are at least kosher, unlike the, now closed, Hendon mikva.

  7. I, too, am totally ignorant about this email. Can someone, somewhere, please elaborate. And how does a discussion which started out as an offer to allow immediate posting of comments, end up discussing mikvahs?
