Tuesday, 22 January 2013


   I take this opportunity to point out that the Joe Bloggs from "If you tickle us" is not me.  My name is really Ms. Joe Blogs.   Moving on, if you have been sitting quietly in a corner down at the Slap and Tickle recently, trying to make sense of what you over-hear (as distinct from over here), let me explain:-

    The RCH problem seems to have opened a can of worms.  Various individuals and communities aligned to the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations (UHOC), felt strongly (as in extra-strong chrayne) that the Union had failed to take swift and appropriate action regarding RCH's marriage guidance for married women.  Anger turned to the Union, and suddenly RCH was buried in the snow, replaced by Union politics on a grand scale.  Kedassia, the kashrus arm of that body, was first up for the slaughter; followed swiftly by burials, schools, mikvos, and lack of education for boys.  Every aspect of life in Stamford Bridge went under the microscope, and boy were there worms!

   Here at The Kashrus Arms the clientele are just beginning to wake up to the fact that Belz is not for drinking neat.  Modified with a large dose of Satmargarine greased into the palms, and sprinkled with some chasidus from the Grand Rebbes to produce a single malt-like drink, these two spirits blend together like blood and sandpaper.  It is basically just a power struggle, but why should we bring these noble chasidim down to our level ?  It is far more than just an ordinary un-holy power struggle.  It is a fight for who controls the funds of the Union and thereby the levels of blood pressure and religious excess for 21st century yidden all over the velt.  So you can see why all this is so important.  And fraught with kedusha.

   But the best part of it all is that these 2 great branches of chasidus, warring for turf like nobody's business, are related by marriage to eachother and to other dynasties to boot.  Does the wife of the Grand Rebbe of Belz speak to her counter-parts from Satmar or Vishnitz?  Do any of them speak to that other chasidic rov, the one from Golders Green with the Well & Good Arms that poses as a mikva in his back garden?  Or are they all on skype and text?

   As a lady who does occasionally drive past the odd mikva (its on my way to Sainsbury's), I dare to suggest that the JT starts producing some news about the Anglo-Jewish orthodoxy of which that paper claims to be the 'voice'.  So far this whole saga has only been gleaned off the internet!  Loshon hora is one thing; public interest debate is quite another.  (Although it is just dawning on me that the Tribune might well be an arm of the Union rather than a news paper, but we'll save that for another stream).


  1. Yes the kedassia always catch the early worm. A new notice now, how to check carobs or bokser for tu b'shvat. Why not sell it ready checked under hashgocho D Frand is missing a trick.
    RCH the chosid or rebbe shoite, understands saving a lady from drowning in the sea where one can touch her and do anything to save her is the same as saving a damsel drowning in tears is typical of the the kedassia dayanim way of thought who 'jumble' up everything together.
    On the blogs one reads that he doesnt want the BD and doing his best to 'scuttle' it. Neither does Knopfler who is doing the same. So we are left with the only one who really wants it and willing to waste the union funds on it being D Frand. He has to go. It is up to the people mentioned on the email who are delegates to see to it. Yes Sandy and Percy, I am talking to you. Your origins are in SH (as well as Manchester) so you know the score. Whom to take instead of DF. from those in the email. Well Joe is too old, Ralph (and Percy) does not have a Jewish (yeshiva) background. Let them play like kids at being interior and foreign ministers of the union and believe that anyone listens to them. Laizy is too near to Satmar. We have left Shloime Just. A rich respected businessman providing employment for many Jewish people. He would be my suggestion for a replacement.
    He would be able to pull the union together.

  2. drai-kop and Joe Blogs, sorry to interupt your love-in but the JT is no more a Union paper than the Hamodia, nor is it owned by them although in both cases some of its columnists are on the Union board. Both papers are "tainted" by being produced mainly by SH-ers and their rather insular worldview but actually both have tended to cover general orthodox news, such a tu bishvat tree planting so beloved by the Modern Orthdoxy, and both carry Union ads.

  3. Both when it comes to money will dump the union. They both still carry full page adverts for the polish chickens sold by kedassia shops (Kays) although they dont mention where they come from.
    About RZF rov of 69 mentioned in a previous post. He is the most respected rov in SH and has been 'forced' onto the kedassia BD to give it some respectability. He is the only rov/dayan who davens and learns giving a well attended shiur daily. His mechutan Zeldy Weiss( Englander) the 'Duchess of Stamford Hill' most likely paid tickle not to publish the story. How she will still manage to still 'air' her graces remains to be seen.


  4. And you are called "Free Press" because....

  5. http://www.efrayimpadwa.simplesite.com/

    A very, very long article against Dovid Frand in terrible yiddish.

  6. What a silly question J Blogs writes on Tickle. (is that you). Who is the union child protection officer. They dont believe in protecting kids. They most likely have an abuser or molester protection officer with experience like dayan G (his son being on bail and him cursing all those accuse him). . The idea is to hide it and say it never occured.

  7. ifyoutickleus Beis Chinuch (77%) and Beis Malka (76%) beat YHS (71%) in GCSE tables. And they don't even have a school hall! bbc.co.uk/news/special/e… on Twitter

    Tickle should send his daughters to the Filey Ave. Taliban school where they have 100% successes

  8. For us amay ho'oretz in GG, who runs the Taleban school in Filey Ave? Is it a school for girls? What do girls need education for - even the boys don't get that in SH do they??

  9. Its usually written Taliban. It is on the Hackney school tables as 100% success rate every year. One can only wonder how. The same goes for all the schools mentioned by Tickle who have a higher success rate than YHS which is by far the best school in the area. These other chasidic schools learn almost no Jewish subjects and have just the minimum five subjects for the tables.
    Filey Avenue is the main Jewish area in Clapton/SH, one of the only ones with double fronted houses.
    The main Satmar mikva is situated there almost next door to REP's residence. This school as the name suggests is not Jewish but a Pakistani girls school. I was recommending it to Tickle for his daughters who thinks these tables are really true.
    The YHS girls school does provide girls with education although the boys school doesnt. Girls need education to provide a meal ticket for their husbands!

  10. They way they do it is simple. they insure that only those who r going to get top marks do the test! I wonder if there is any way of finding out how many they have in their class and how many actually take the exam!!

  11. Efrayimpadawa blogg is written by sholem Meyer Grohman and Mendel soffer
