Thursday, 17 January 2013

Daughters of Tzelofchod Untie

I have been away from my blog and Tickle for a day and look what the naughty boys have been up to.  If RCH could have forseen that it would all end with kedassia going up in smoke, the Disunion going down the pan and misnagdim vs. chassidim hissing and nagging at eachother, I think he would probably have chosen to go and live in Leyton.  But who could have forseen???  Anyway, I haven't been able to read everything that has appeared in the last day or so, but I am getting the vibe that something is not right.  I mean, things seem so very wrong that I can't even get my letters out in the right order. 
     I have long been thinking that the charedi world has gone mad in all sorts of ways.  The rabbonim seem to say what they like in the noble aim of upholding kedushah in different ways (or of keeping the goyishe velt at bay - hope my yiddish impresses you), and nobody says "that's not for me" or "he thinks we all live in Mea Shearim".  No, all of a sudden the whole character of orthodoxy has to change - or kids won't find shidduchim, people won't get aliyos, businesses will fail and moshiach won't come.  I thought the rabbonim were not allowed to impose anything on the kehilla that the kehilla would find too difficult to live with.  Well I can't live with Playboy coming through the letterbox every Friday; and I know thousands of frum ladies (not that I'm such a lady myself) who can't live with the Jewish Tribune.  If ever you wanted a contradiction in terms it is "organ  of ANGLO-JEWISH ORTHODOXY".
        Since when was Anglo-Jewry so orthodox that it needed anything other than the Chronicle?  Only when it wasn't anglo at all, but German and generally European and "Agudah".  Anglo-Jewish????!!!!!!!!!!  Go and wash your mouth out.  That is for people who use the eiruv, have modern buggies, eat Beth (who?) Din meat and listen to a sermon.  The agudah is for people who can't live without chrayne, daf yomi (betting pages), computers, rabbinic edicts and dictats, and collecting.  And for such values we need to keep our hair covered and our toe nails invisible?  Do me a favour!  I don't flatter myself that I'm such a turn-on (I could be wrong), that I need to walk around like a ghost or in burkah.  If freedom is to be curtailed by such nonsense, it should my old man who is kept indoors.  If he can't go out without thinking "nice bit of skirt, that" or "I could fancy that (her)", then HE shouldn't be allowed out.  Why do I need to cover up so that he can make a brocha??  What rabbinic blackmail is that to keep women under wraps? 
      The point I'm getting to is that all this blogging has revealed the deep problems with the kehilla about almost every aspect of charedi life.  It is turning out to be too much of a strain.  Most of it is as unnatural as being gay.  In fact being gay is at least a choice, not a dictat. So blog away and we'll see if anything changes as a result of our new orthodox organs. 

1 comment:

  1. Benjy Ferster: anything to add to Drai Kop's comment (left on my previous post)?
    Two views are always better than one (or none).
