Thursday, 24 January 2013

This blog: the key-board of anglo-jewish orthodoxy

     I've not yet seen this week's JT, nor have I spoken to anyone about its likely contents and omissions.  But I can guess what I'm missing.  There's the yiddish section (which anglo-jewish orthodoxy is fully up to speed with?);  the "Here & There" sniff (as in "Perek Beis, sniff aleph") that has a tendency to knock things like the United Synagogue (but which might be rethinking its position this week);  there are the pin-up pages (I refer you to the first post on this blog); and then there's Dina Rosell's version of the news (as it affects over-defensive and 'above-criticism' arrogant charedim, who push their luck and then feel got at when they get what's coming to them).  Not all charedim can identify with this version of the news, and I am in this latter category.  Basically then, what am I missing?
    The adverts.  The "lost & found".  The kashrus public information bulletin.  The riddle of the week.  All things to do with "the" (ha!)
     If I want a piece of real news, of the kind that might be of interest to anglo-jewish orthodoxy, I only need to log on, and suddenly everything that hasn't been reported in the press becomes clear. 
     Worryingly, some people actually write in commending the T. on its wonderful coverage and lack of schmutz.  The only paper that can be left lying around for even the kids to read, without fear of the treifa velt coming into the house.  Might as-well just leave the pages blank then.  At least that way no-one can be accused of biased reporting, reporting 'losh' or hood-winking the readership.  (Although I am quite partial to the odd wink).  People like this don't need a newspaper, they need their own street leaflet (with a Notice about worms on one side).  The rest of us are straining at the leash to let off steam, to have our voices heard.  No outlet only means more frustration and more tension, and the end of it will be forced conversion to Satmar chassidus. 
     But what should the Tribune be reporting, and how??  Surely everything newsworthy or debatable is halachically problematic?            Nu, didn't I say they should leave the pages blank?


  1. The Tribune is of course losing readership steadily to the hamodia and was on the point of closing down lately. There are very few people around born before the war who still read yiddish. They have been overtaken by the four free newsheets ( a misnomer since they have only adverts) who have taken all their advertisements away from them. They now have an editor who is not exactly chareidi trying to inject some life into it.
    I see nothing wrong halachically with Tickle's or your blog.

  2. The Hamodia is even worse! Look for example at this week: the tiny section they printed about the arrival in Israel of the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg. It only stated that he came to Israel to attend the wedding of a grandchild, they mentioned NOTHING about the speeches and crowds to hear him saying that you must not vote in the Israeli Elections! And nothing reported on his amazing statements that voting in the Elections is the biggest aveira you can do! (which goes against all the Gedolim) Such editorial hypocracy. Who needs these 'news' papers when we have the burgeoning blog community telling the real stuff?

  3. fair point re bias, but the blogs are anonymous and are at the whim of the blogger. they cost nothing to run and set up.

    Newspapers have to sell papers therefore they publish what their readers want to read. Else they would close down pretty sharpishm and loose a ton of money in the process.

  4. To anonymous. A pity you cant call yourself something it makes life easier.
    Why should the hamodia report about the anti aguda Satmar Rebbe. According to twitter all he spoke privately to all the 'rabbis' about was 'tsumas hagidin'. Rather strange, is anything going on there. You must remember he is not his father or his grand uncle the real and only Satmar rebbe. I dont think he also called it the biggest aveira and there was some argument how big it is with the Brisker rov. You must remember that hungarian chasidim are prone to exaggeration and no one believes them anyway.
    That what you write is all history to us and the hamodia, and maybe news to you. Let me tell you something. Some years back when Begin became PM and started supporting the Aguda schools, all the satmar chasidim changed to them because they were cheaper. And the teachers also because they were paid better. Satmar chassidim depend on what you pay them. Like our new externel BD to decide RCH;s fate.

    About my previous post on the previous blog about education. There are quite a few rich Jewish families about. Rich goyim try to get their boys into Eton and even register them at birth. Jewish people dont care about education for their children. In Manchester, Professor Weiss educated his two sons privately and one has become rov in Antwerp and the other Horodonke rebbe, both today very rich. They also learned secular studies their father being a maths professor.
    In London I am not aware of anyone ever doing this. Except one who taught his son the whole mishnayot by heart. The Jewish boys schools and chadorim are no good. No talmid chochom ever comes out of them. There is a great 'learning curve' to be able to understand gemoro and most never cross it. One would expect a rich person to pay a great talmid chochom just to learn with his children privately or in a special class for the rich children.

  5. Drai-kop, are you a Satmarer? A foreigner (eg Denmark)modern-Orthodox? Can't quite place you! By the way I am not the Anonymous who has already posted here today. I am a new anonymous.

    1. I believe it was Drai-kop who suggested I allow anonymous comments on this blog....

    2. Do I sound like a Satmarer or is my English that foreign. Satmar chassidus died with their first rebbe. So one cant be one anymore. Tickle also seems to have gone to the grave singing his swan song for shabbos shira. Not a bad way to go. He shouldnt forget to put some crumbs out for his swans either. Although I dont think there were swans in the desert to eat the manna on shabbos,
      My old university professor would not pass my English though, even though he was Jewish. I dont place myself either in any pigeon hole. I try to look for the best and truth in each.
      Even if you and others are anonymous you can still call yourself something in the post. Even if its only 'new anonymous'.
      Yes it was me who suggested it. As you can see, you can only get anonymous posts from Jewish people.

  6. I used to be the first 'Anonymous' but I see that it is confusing! I am now a real person: 'Emess seeker'! However, I reiterate what the new imposter Anonymous asked you: 'Drai-kop, are you a Satmarer? A foreigner (eg Denmark)modern-Orthodox? Can't quite place you! By the way I am not the Anonymous who has already posted here today. I am a new anonymous'. I Emess Seeker wish to have the answer to that! You will not be sued...

    I still believe that a 'news'paper should report news. For Hamodia to totally ignore the huge Chareidi rally etc in favour of non-voting in the Elections and related matters is dishonest.

  7. I am stumped. Drai-kop went to university? We have something in common at least! You have told us what you're not, but not what you are. Emess seeker is also waiting for an honest answer. Its nearly shabbos so hurry up.
    Hamodia is not a newspaper, it only seems like one compared to the Trib. And a charedi rally against voting in Zionist elections is not news, by anyone's standards. (More on this next week).
    Anyway, I just saw this week's local advertiser and it carries an ad from a Rov/Psychotherapist for professional counselling. He goes on to advertise his credentials as a therapist. My question is, from whom did he obtain his semicha?? Where has he learnt? Is he the Satmar Rebbe's michpocha at all?? Or Drai-kop's???? Does he counsel women.... and might he counsel one woman in particular?!

  8. So the union have now given out a letter available on the tickle site saying they are going to protect children at risk with a special committee for it.. And they have qualified rabbonim (Dayan Grynhaus and Wosner I suppose what a joke) to administer it. With even a special 'protection line'.
    The only people the union and Satmar protect are the Webermans and the molesters. They even have a shul in SH, where molesting goes on. This may sound ridiculous but they are well aware of all the molesters and have many of them on film.
    Of course tickle will never allow this truth to come out.

      My quick translation:
      "Parents and educational establishments in our community dedicate themselves to educate pure souls and to bring them up and to protect them in holiness and purity, and thank G-d are very successful in this. The safety of our sweet children and protecting them from every harm and abuse is of course necessary.
      And for that reason, it is our duty to consider every claim of abuse as a very serious thing, and we need to inform how to properly deal with this and to make fences in order to prevent such possibilities and to give proper assistance to everyone who has been abused.
      The Union has a special committee to deal with cases of abuse amongst our children. The members of the committee are rabbis, educators and members of the community who have been properly trained in how to deal with this. The rabbinate recognises that there are certain times when it is correct and necessary to call the social services and police. The committee will consult with the rabbis to determine the proper course of action in each case.
      The committee will try to use the advice and help of experts to help families or children who have suffered from abuse.
      Unfortunately a programme has been made that is about to be broadcast on television about the abuse of children in our community, which claims that even after the actions of abusers are known, they have the possibility of continuing in their acts. The committee for child protection and determining the correct way to protect our children in our community will help please G-d to silence the claims of the questioners that the Union does not fulfil its obligation in this matter.
      In every case that comes before one of the rabbis, educators or principals of one of the institutions, where there is fear for a child's safety, you are requested to refer the matter to the committee, which will deal with it in consultation with the beth din and according to the law of the land.
      The number of the committee is below.
      [Ephraim Padwa]
      UOHC child protection line: 020 - 3322- 8384

  9. I am not sure what else do you want to know about me.
    So Tickle has been resurrected from his grave after lying low (sitting shiva) for a whole week. He has jumped back into his skin with renewed vigour. Of course he has no idea or his commentators of what the union/satmar is really about. Which is to protect the child abusers.
    He has a committee made up of 'rabbis' who will consult the 'rabbis' .
    About his further claim that the claim of the TV program is untrue.
    Let me say Dayan Grynhaus whose son is on bail for such acts has publicly cursed those who accuse him according to FM.

    Rabbi Wosner of satmar 26 publicly shields all the abusers in his shul. He has on film many instances of it happening there and many of his shul are involved and is doing nothing to stop it.
    How can REP write in every case they will consult with his beth din when dayan Grynhaus is part of it.
    which claims that even after the actions of abusers are known, they have the possibility of continuing in their acts.
    I would like to say that this claim is totally true.

    What really irks me is not that it is against the law of the land so much but also against the Torah which the union/satmar claim to uphold.


  10. Drai-kop: Please answer the followling questions as truthfully as you dare. Thanks.

    What have you got against the Union,Satmar and Mr. Tickle (and possibly many others)? Why are you so very anti the orthodox establishment? Are you a chosid and if so of which chasidus? What did you study at uni? Will your kids go to uni? Have you any knowledge(as distinct from hearsay) of child abuse within your own neighbourhood? What is your first language? Any other particulars about yourself that you would care to share on this site will be most welcome, as I feel you need to get a lot of anger out. Am I right? I am not a counsellor, or a chosid etc. Go for it.

    1. Well against Mr Tickle is quite simple he wont publish my comments and I cant blame him.
      The union/Satmar that would be obvious too if you read what I have to say about them.
      I dont write from hearsay but from knowledge unless I mention the source.
      I am not a chosid of any chasidus.
      I am anti the orthodox establishment for many reasons. For instance non-education, their parasitic nature etc.
      My kids went to university and also have degrees. My first language is English.

    2. Two futher questions then you may step down: are you frum and part of any orthodox (more than US) kehilla?
      How do you explain the difference between my English and yours?????

  11. Ms Joe Blogs asks good questions! I would like to know more too please: are you frum and part of any orthodox (more than US) kehilla?
    How do you explain the difference between my English and yours?????

    And .. yes why not.. what is your name?

  12. I often daven in a union type shul.
    I write the way I speak. Being a man I was not 'blessed' with a healthy dose of 'tes kabin' like you, although many men with long rambling posts on Tickle seem to have been.

  13. Anyway, I just saw this week's local advertiser and it carries an ad from a Rov/Psychotherapist for professional counselling. He goes on to advertise his credentials as a therapist. My question is, from whom did he obtain his semicha?? Where has he learnt? Is he the Satmar Rebbe's michpocha at all?? Or Drai-kop's???? Does he counsel women.... and might he counsel one woman in particular?!Anyway, I just saw this week's local advertiser and it carries an ad from a Rov/Psychotherapist for professional counselling. He goes on to advertise his credentials as a therapist. My question is, from whom did he obtain his semicha?? Where has he learnt? Is he the Satmar Rebbe's michpocha at all?? Or Drai-kop's???? Does he counsel women.... and might he counsel one woman in particular?

    I think this is important.
    No real doctor will ever prescribe medicine mentioned in the gemoro or rishonim. But these therapists calling themselves Jewish, try to apply Jewish values mentioned there to heal ill people. Instead of using tried and tested methods. These are not rabbis and barely understand them, not that rabbis do either.

  14. Can anyone think of a reason why there should be any abuse in a frum kehilla? Could there be a cause from within the system? I don't think frum yidden are inherently more perverse than anyone else. If things are not adding up, perhaps there needs to be a review of how life is lived in some quarters of yiddishkeit. I don't mean to sound like a heretic, just a realist.
    I could answer you this question but since you prefer Tickle posters to me I will leave it at that.
    I doubt though you will get even a single answer though.

  15. Oh sir Drei Kop
    Rise to the occasion and answe the question asked in good faith I am intrigued that you have the answer why the sour grapes?

  16. Well so far Tickle hasnt give one. The answer is really very simple but contains quite a few parts.
    I will only answer one part now. Give Tickle a bit more time.
    Why did the Pardes boy get beaten up.
    The rebbes there are not trained teachers and dont know their subject either. This means the classes are very boring. The only way they can keep discipline is through fear.
    They get hold of one boy, usually one whose parent dont pay school fees, they would never dare touch a rich one, and make him an example. If he dares to protest they will make sure all the other boys gang up against him.
    How one should be teaching Jewish subjects without them being boring would need a separate post. Please anonymous, start your post with a name even if its only sir anonymous.
    So called frum yidden are more perverse, and there certainly needs to be a review.

  17. Call me ANONYMOUS THE 8th: Drai-kop you are living up to your name.
    The question wasn't about why the Pardes boy got beaten up. It was about how we live as charedim and whether things need to change. Joe Blogs hasn't given any leads on this, but I can think of things that are not ideal with our lifestyle. Stop changing the subject and answer the challenge on behalf of everyone.

    1. If you can think of things to change then pray tell us what they are or at least tell Tickle.
      I said the question was to Tickle, a blog I dont belong on, not to us here and I was therefore not going to answer it properly here. What I wrote about the Pardes boy though has a lot do with it though, and also needs urgently to change.


  18. Hoda'ah
    Just changing the subject very briefly to make known that my most recent post ("Kol Isha") was composed and posted late last night (26/1/13), NOT on the date shown. This shows how carefully one needs to inspect everything not just fruit and vegetables.

    Comments on child abuse will follow shortly. Am just composing myself....

  19. A composed composer
